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A Beginners Guide to Protective Magic

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In the wonderful world of witchcraft you have the ability to wield natural energetic forces to help create whatever you desire. With our connection to the spiritual world and the natural world, we have the ability to wield protective magic to safeguard ourselves, our loved ones, and our sacred spaces. In this blog post, we will explore the essence of protective magic and offer guidance on how to harness its power.

Understanding Protective Magic

Once you start getting truly immersed in witchcraft you will realize just how intertwined this world is with the spiritual world and unfortunately not all entities in the spiritual world are friendly. Not to mention, human kind is very susceptive to sending out negative energy wether it is intentional or not; the evil eye is real.

Protective magic is the practice of setting intentions and conjuring energy to create a shield of protection around ourselves, our homes, and our environments. It can be used to repel negativity, ward off harmful influences, and create a safe and sacred space. Protective magic is not about seeking to harm others but about creating a barrier of positive energy that shields us from harm. …although if you want to create baneful protective wards you could do that as well.

Creating Sacred Space

Before delving into protective magic, it is crucial to establish a sacred space. This can be a physical area in your home or outdoors where you can connect with the spiritual realms and perform your rituals. Cleanse the space of any negative energy through smudging, sound vibrations, or other purification methods. Set up an altar with items that hold personal significance and represent protection, such as:

Crystals - Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Black Moonstone, Black Amethyst, Obsidian

Herbs - Sage, Myrrh, Rosemary

Symbols - Runes (Algiz, Thurisaz) or sigils like the Lilith necklace in the shop. 

Utilizing Protective Tools

Various tools can aid in enhancing the power of your protective magic. Here are a few examples:


Carry or place protective and cleansing crystals, such as selenite, amethyst, or obsidian, to create a shield against negativity and absorb harmful energies. You can place these in specific areas such as your front door, altar, or car; anywhere you want to protect, cleanse or ward off negative energy. You could also wear them as jewelers or carry on you to keep you protected at all times. 


Burn protective herbs, such as sage or rosemary, to cleanse and purify your space. Create herbal sachets or charms to carry with you as a protective talisman. Keeping cloves in a sachet at your door will help you ward off anyone with mal intentions; human and non-human. 


Design your own protective sigils, combining symbols and intention. To create a sigil you simply write a phrase such as, “I am always protected” cross out any vowels and repeating letters and with the remaining letters you design a symbol. Activate this symbol with your energy to strengthen its energy. Use sigils as charms or inscribing them on objects or yourself. 

With any form of spell work or ritual, remember to spiritually cleanse everything you’re using. This means use smudging or cleansing tools to rid them of any lingering unwanted energy and prepping them for use. 

Rituals and Spells for Protection

The Energy Shield Meditation: 

Sit in a comfortable position, take slow deep breaths and visualize a shield of radiant, protective energy surrounding you. Imagine it forming a protective barrier, allowing only positive energy to enter. Speak affirmations or chants to strengthen the shield and your intentions.

If you struggle with meditation there are great binaural beat videos on YouTube specifically for aiding in protection. These will help you focus and channel the right energy. Simply search for “meditation music for enhancing protection”.

The Warding Ritual: 

Begin by cleansing your space with sage, incense or another purification method. Light a white candle and visualize a circle of protective light forming around you. Call upon the elements or if you work with deities associated with protection ask them for assistance. Lilith can be a great choice for this as she tends to have that motherly protection energy. Of course, keep in mind to only call in help from deities you’ve already built a relationship with. Create a protective symbol on a piece of paper, infusing it with your intentions and energy. This symbol can be a protection rune, a sigil, or servitor. Place the symbol at each entrance of your home as a ward against negative energy.

Anointing Ritual: 

Gather protective herbs and oils, such as frankincense or cloves. Create an anointing oil blend by infusing the herbs in a carrier oil such as olive oil or grape-seed oil. You’ll want to let it infuse for a few days or at least overnight. With focused intention, anoint yourself or objects, such as amulets or charms, with the oil as you recite a protective incantation which can be as simple as saying “I am divinely protected, nothing can harm me or interfiere with my energy.” Visualize a shield of protective energy forming around you or the object.

Maintaining Protective Energy

Protective magic is not a one-time practice; it requires regular maintenance and intention. Here are a few ways to maintain and strengthen your protective energy:

Daily Affirmations: 

Start your day by affirming your intentions for protection. Speak aloud or silently affirmations that bolster your shield of protection.

Energy Cleansing: 

Regularly cleanse your space, yourself, and your objects to rid them of any negative energy that may accumulate over time. Use smudging, sound vibrations, selenite or visualization techniques.

Amulets and Charms: 

Carry protective talismans, amulets, charms or crystals with you as symbols of your intentions for protection. Recharge them regularly by exposing them to moonlight or infusing them with protective energy.

Ongoing Practices: 

Engage in practices that enhance your spiritual and energetic well-being, such as meditation, energy work, or divination. By maintaining a balanced and protected energy, you are more resilient against negativity.


Protective magic is an essential tool in a witch's repertoire. By harnessing the power of intention and energy, we can create shields of protection that safeguard ourselves, our spaces, and our loved ones from negativity and harm.