Divine Feminine Witchery

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Cord Cutting 101

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Cord cutting rituals have become very popular and for good reason; it’s a very therapeutic thing to do. A cord is referring to an energetic cord that spiritually, mentally and emotionally connects you to either another person, a place or even a habit. If there is something you are trying to release and let go of in your life then a cord cutting ritual can be an affective way to do so. Today we’ll be going over a step by step guide on how to do a cord cutting ritual.

Step by Step

For this cord cutting ritual you’ll need:

1 white candle

1 black candle

A cord to tie them with


A plate, bowl, or candle holders to place your candles and

something to inscribe the candles with

*Additionally you can also have a pen, paper, selenite or clear quartz and obsidian.

1. Take the time to ground yourself and align your mind with the intention you have for this ritual. You can do so by meditating for 5 minutes or as long as you need. If you feel the need to you can also take a bath or shower and visualize the water cleansing your aura to help you get into the right mindset.

2. Once you are ready, start by spiritually cleansing your items and space you will be performing the ritual in. Incense or smudging herbs work best for this but you can also check out the cleansing 101 post for more details.

3. The white candle represents you; carve your name on the candle. The black candle represents the person or thing you are cutting cords from; carve their name on that candle. If you don’t have a black candle a white candle can be a replacement option. Place your candles on the plate, you can secure them with candle holders or by slightly melting the bottom to adhere it down to the plate.

4. Grab your cord and tie the ends together, then twist it three times. Hook the ends over each candle. This cord represents the energy that is tying you to them; visualize that energetic cord as you do this.

5. Place the salt around the candles in a clockwise direction. The salt is to aid in removing the energy and cleansing you from it.

6. Light the candles with your set intention in mind. You want to visualize yourself releasing everything you feel for this person or thing. You can speak it out loud or just in your mind. It may even help you to write it out as the candles are burning. The candles should burn fully as well as the cord.

Once it’s all done you can dispose of the remains in the trash and take it out away from your home or flush it down your toilet; just make sure the lid is down when you flush.

Interpreting the ritual

Be sure to watch how the candles burn as this can helps you interpret how well this ritual is working.

If the flames are high it means the energy is strong and your ritual will be affective.

If the flames struggle you might need to meditate again to help strengthen your intention; it may also mean you may even need to do this ritual again at a better time.

If the cord burns off from your candle first it is a clear indication that you are indeed ready to release this cord.

If the candles burn slowly it’s most likely due to a struggle for this energy to be released.

There are many interpretations that can be read from this ritual so take the time and let your intuition help you understand it.



If you want to take this ritual a step further you can place Clear Quartz or Selenite and Obsidian around the candles. Selenite and Clear Quartz can boost the energy of your working and aid in spiritual cleansing. Obsidian protects your working from any interfering negative energy.

Deity Assistance

You can call on any deity you work with such as Lilith and ask her to help strengthen this cord cutting. Lilith’s energy is particularly great when you need help removing something from your life. Only call on deities if you already work with them. Likewise, you can also call on your ancestors if you work with them.

The Moon

The full moon energy is potent which can help strengthen any spell or ritual that requires a lot of strength. This would be a great time to do a self care routine and a cord cutting. The waning moon is a time for release and removing any energy that no longer serves you so this may also be a great time for a cord cutting.

Repeat the Ritual

You may want to do the cord cutting a few times. Part of the reason you still think of an ex is because they are thinking of you too. There’s a connection there so when you do a cord cutting they may feel like they’ve lost your energy and will want to try and reach out to you again. This is why it’s recommended to do a cord cutting a few times within the same week. Likewise it is best recommended you avoid making contact with this person during and after a cord cutting. The energy is a connection that goes both ways therefore it is important that you do your part by doing all you can to sever that cord.


A cord cutting is for releasing or aiding in stopping a specific energy. This can be related to an ex but it can also be done for an old friendship, ex-coworker, someone who recently passed or any bad habit you are trying to break free from. No matter what you are trying to release cord cutting ritual can be a great way to lift your spirit and re-energize yourself.