Intuition vs. Intrusive Thoughts: How to tell the Difference
As witches, we often rely on intuition to guide us through spellwork, rituals, and everyday decisions. But how do we know if a thought is truly our inner voice—or just an intrusive thought cloaked in mysticism? Understanding the difference is vital for aligning with your higher self and deepening your craft. Here’s how you can tell the difference between intuition and intrusive thoughts, along with a simple practice to enhance your intuitive abilities.
Harnessing the Energy of Divination Using Pendulums
Welcome, lovely witches, to a blog post dedicated to the timeless art of divination. Today, we will explore the fascinating world of pendulums and how they can be used as a powerful tool for receiving guidance and answers from the spiritual realm. Join us as we unlock the secrets of pendulum divination and learn how to harness its energy for our mystical practices.