Intro to Modern Witchcraft and Spell Types

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Modern day witchcraft has taken a bit of altercations based on folk traditions, superstitions and historical finds on old magic practices and occultism. What you understand as witchcraft depends on practices you grew up with, the cultural background, the continent you grew up in, the traditions that got passed down to you and probably also a general level of historic knowledge and culture. Witchcraft goes in all directions from a bit of tarot reading for self reflection to full blown animal sacrifices. You can choose what kind of practices you wish to do, you do not have to do everything under the sun to be considered a witch. 

That being said, there is all kinds of talk of different kinds of witches; divination witch, hearth witch, kitchen witch, celestial witch, elemental witch and many more. Prior to labeling yourself you should figure out what practices interest you the most; what you’re drawn to and what makes sense to you. It’s important to work with what feels right to you to be able to make the magic work for you. 

When you are just starting out you’ll want to be doing a lot of research. Learning the history of witchcraft is a great start. Then from there, you’ll want to learn different types of witchcraft and spell work and for that you’ve come to the right place. I’ll be briefly going over some of the most coveted forms of witchcraft there is. If any of the things mentioned here peak your interest, definitely take a note of them and look further into them.

With any of these practices, it’s good to also start with protection and cleansing types of spells. When you start getting into all of witchcraft you’ll realize pretty quickly how much our physical 3D realm is infringed upon by spirits, entities and other things of other dimensions or the supernatural/spirit world and you simply also want to be cautious of people who may have bad intentions.

Grimoire or Book of Shadows 

When starting to learn about witchcraft you’ll want to journal all you learn and all you create. A book of shadows is a term first used by Wiccan practitioner Gerald Gardner. It means spellbook in Wiccan traditions. Originally there would be one Book of Shadows to a single coven. A grimoire is a generic term for a book of spells and magical practices that any person may create. This is a more generalized term that includes scrolls, codices and book of shadows. Whatever you decide to call it and wether you decide to practice in a coven or solitary it is best to keep note of everything you practice in your craft. Keeping everything noted will help you improve your craft, recall things for later use, figure out what you like and don’t as well as be able to share your knowledge if you choose to. 

Written Spells

One of the easiest and most profound ways to tap into the power within is written spell work. Written spells are exactly that; you write down your intentions. By doing so you are focusing on your intention and are able to manifest what you seek. This could be as simple as writing out exactly what you want and leaving it at that or it can involve doing it with specific colors, certain patterns, ways of folding paper, incorporating runes, making it rhyme and many more traditional incorporations. Spell crafting requires faith, openness and a little bit more intentional participation as you try and bring the spell into fruition. It would be beneficial to study writing poetry and linguistics to get a better understanding of your spell writing capabilities in different languages as well.

Verbal Charms 

Verbal charms are often done alongside other forms of magical practice; candle spells, poppets, jars, but they can also be used alone. A verbal charm is a simplistic chain of words. This might be something that you have created yourself or that you’ve taken from another resource such as a poem, folk charms that have been passed down to you, some people will even use psalms within the Bible. Verbal charms are usually quite memorable and sometimes even rhyme. These can be used alone or they can be repeated, 3, 9, 13 times and in some cases allow us to drop more easily into a trance like state. They can also be used alongside other forms of practical magic to add extra power and potency. Some magical practitioners don’t use anything other than their verbal charms and their energy. Music, singing, and chanting brings so much power because the frequency of vibrations bring about different energies; they bring you to a specific state of meditative mind. 


Symbols are one of the most ancient forms of incantations in witchcraft. Runes are some of the most popular and these come from ancient civilizations such as Celtic, Viking, Roman to name some of the most popular. Aside from runes you can use many other symbols that have been passed down from generations or even some that have been inscribed in ancient walls such as that of the Greek, Hebrew and Egyptian. Learning the magical significance of ancient symbols can aid to any spell work you are doing. These symbols can channel different forms of energy. For example, if you want to attract wealth you can write a symbol for good fortune and place it in your wallet, or if you want your home to be protected you can write a protection symbol and place it under your doormat, you could even write one on your wrist to bring about confidence. Another way these can be used is by adding them to other workings such as spell jars or candle magic, they can even be used in divination. Nowadays in modern witchcraft you’ll find people using a bag of stones scribed with runes witch they would shake up and toss out to reveal answers they may be seeking.


Sigils are a form of symbol but they are a bit more complex, given that they can be created in various different ways. Sigils can sometimes be made using magical squares, or a written phrase usually; of the desired outcome and reducing it down by eliminating certain letters (usually repeating ones). Then creatively making the letters into a symbol, sometimes by simply joining the letters up together. Some people like to use runes, the angelic alphabet and script or what’s commonly known as the witches alphabet. You’re creating something visual that holds the entire sentence of what you want to achieve. Sigils are magical symbols that have been created to represent a specific goal and intention and they’re usually taken in one of two directions, either they are charged with energy while you are creating them which allows you to wear them, carve them into something like candles or they are charged by their destruction such as setting it on fire. Sigils are incredibly useful magical tools but they’re usually very short term unless added into a much larger working. If you like getting creative with your work it could be a great way to add some artwork into your witchcraft, but of course you don’t have to be particularly artistic to use them.

Herbalism, Nature Work

One of the most popular and established forms of magic is herbalism. Herbs are well known to be used for healing, caretaking, and nurturing the natural world. Most witches that practice this get split into categories of green witch, sea witch, kitchen witch etc. but they all seem to be subcategories because pretty much all witches use nature based practices in whatever way calls to them. When working with herbs in your magic you usually work with the seasons and flow of the earth. Herbs carry so much energy and can be incorporated into so many other practices. They can link you with the planetary aspects as well as simply connect you closer to nature, Mother Earth and the energy of the elements. 

Simmer pots

Traditionally witches in movies are pictured at some point stirring a big cauldron bubbling over a fire. Nowadays modern witchcraft has taken a spin on this by making what are known as simmer pots. A simmer pot is exactly that, you bring a bunch of ingredients together such as fruits and herbs with water, bring them to boil and then let it simmer. The aroma of the combination brings a specific energy into your home. For example, oranges usually represent joy and happiness, lemons are cleansing, cinnamon is for love and prosperity, rosemary brings success and prosperity. These ingredients combined would bring prosperity and good fortune to the home. 

Potions & Concoctions

The modern day form of potions and other concoctions include things like tinctures, oils, drinks, and herbal combinations infused in food. These are not necessarily poisons as movies depict them to be in fact they can be medicinal remedies, ingredients to delicious foods and even infused in skincare. For these, you would require a bit of cooking knowledge, alchemical knowledge and understanding the properties of different herbs and fruits. Of course, you don’t have to be an expert to start. Pick a few favorite herbs and spices you already have in your home, look up their properties and jot them down so you’ll start learning what can be a great combination. This can be really enjoyable if you’ve always wanted to make your own skincare or if you just really enjoy cooking or baking. 


Crystals are one of the most popular forms of modern magic. Everyone who’s into spirituality or just likes shiny rocks loves crystals. Crystals are an alchemical outcome of multiple elemental energies combined. This means they hold a lot of energy and can be very useful and in many ways. Different crystals hold different energies, some are for cleansing, some protect you from negativity, others can bring you confidence, love or good fortune. Crystals can be placed in your home, your car, under the bed, they can be worn as jewelry or wherever you wish to channel the energy. They can even be used to help empower any spell work you wish to practice. 


Divination is the work of psychics which are also called intuitives. This can be anything from dream interpretations, scrying, casting bones, sticks or runes, reading tea leaves or coffee grounds, tarot cards, oracle cards, palm reading, pendulums and so much more. All these different tools can be used for predicting the future but are most commonly used to illuminate the realities within yourself. The origin of the word divination actually means to be inspired by god. It puts out in front of us the messages that we may be receiving all day everyday. It puts them directly in front of us and we can understand what to do with these messages. Divination takes a lot of practice, effort, incredible skill and humility to be able to learn this craft in a way that actually translates these messages and actually connects to the divine rather than it just be a sort of projection of your own ideas, fears and shadows. These messages are simply possible outcomes based on the current situation in that time. It can be hard to do divination for yourself in a level-headed way which is why it takes an immense skill and practice to be able to interpret the readings the best you can without bias. 

Astrology & the Cosmos

Many witches align themselves with the cosmic movements because it puts them in deeper connection with nature. They follow the movements of the stars, the planets, the moon and the sun to work their other magic along with those different cycles. This can be a great starting point for beginner witches because it puts you in a relationship with the cosmos and intuitively teaches one of the greatest mysteries which is balance between the microcosm and macrocosm; between the inner and outer universe. This can be as simple as learning the different phases of the moon and how it can help strengthen different types of spells. Or you can dive deep into understanding how the planets and stars align and thus affect our daily lives. You can learn a lot about yourself and other people when you learn how the planets and stars aligned when said person was born aka their birth chart. 

I’ll be posting about understanding birth charts soon so stay tuned for that. If you find astrology extremely intriguing be prepared to learn a lot of information. This subject alone can be very overwhelming at first so start small and don’t be intimidated or feel the need to know it all at once.

Image magic : Poppets, Voodoo Dolls, Pictures

Dolls are used in sympathetic magic; that being like attracts like. They are used as representation for a person or animal in spell work or rituals especially if that person or animal isn’t able to be present. This can be used for so many reasons. The poppet or doll is usually created in the likeness of a person and if you don’t have the ability to make one, an image of them works too. They’ll often include tag locks or other items that link them to that doll. For example, if you’re doing it for your cat one of it’s whiskers would be incorporated or if it’s for a friend a lock of their hair or a color they wear a lot. You would add the item into the creation of the doll so that it links that doll onto the target of that working. The doll can be made out of fabric, clay, wax, wood, stone, corn husks or whatever it is that you have access to and suits your working. The doll itself can be made in many different ways but the main goal is to at least have a passing resemblance to the person or animal that you are doing that working on. These are usually used when the target of that working does not want to or is not able to be present in the working. But they can also be used on yourself if you do struggle with casting spells and rituals on yourself. The spells can be for anything from offering protection or enchanting with a love spell or even cursing if that’s your choosing.

Spell Bags (aka mojo)

Similar to poppets, spell bags or sachets are sometimes handmade in a specific color pertaining to your intention. These are filled with herbs, crystals and items that represent your goals and are then sealed up and either carried around with you or placed in a location of significance. For example, if it is a spell for protection when driving, you’ll want to keep it somewhere in your car. If it is something to help bring out psychic dreams, you might want to keep it under your bed. If it’s something to help you be more confident, than carrying it on you on a day-to-day basis is a great way of doing this. These bags are ideal if you want a more long-term manifestation of a goal. They can also be given to other people if that person would like some additional support but they don’t know how to carry out rituals or spells themselves. Wherever this spell bag spends the majority of the time is where it manifest; whether that be with you or someone else. 

Spell Bowls

Spell bowls contain items that are associated with your spell and your desired outcome. These bowls are often left out on altar spaces or in rooms where you want that energy to manifest. They’re fairly similar to spell bags in that they contain the items that represent your target intention except instead of carrying them around they stay within the location you want that energy to manifest. These spell bowls are very good if you want something tactile that you can dig your hands into and you can energize frequently by touching it. They can be really good if you want to work more in the physical world and less in the spiritual world. Some down sides is they may not be suitable for you if you’ve got any pets or children that may pull it or knock it down. 

Spell Jars & Witch Bottles 

Spell jars and witch bottles are used to contain energy. Historically witches bottles were used to contain the urine of the witch who casted an attack. It was believed that this urine contained a part of that witch’s essence and so by trapping it in a bottle and heating it up it would irritate the witch and force them to come back, apologize and undo the spell. Modern practitioners today still use witches bottles but in a slightly different way. They act as a scapegoat, that being an energetic double of yourself so that any unwanted energies and spirits that target you will go into the witches bottle instead. Once inside the bottle they are contained and they cannot escape and then the practitioner can dispose of it accordingly. A great way to use a bottle, especially if it is sealed and inside there are pins or perhaps entwining thread that is going to trap and contain that spirit and that energy. 

Spell jars can be used to contain energy but they can be taken in two different directions. In some cases you might want to contain something that is causing you or someone else harm; by stopping that situation in its tracks. Within the jar you place representations of what you want to stop as well as items and ingredients that are going to aid in that and then you seal it and put it away somewhere and you do not open it. You can leave it in the dark to ruminate and stagnate and that is the goal for that situation. The other method of using a spell jar is still containment but it’s more along the lines of preserving much like how you preserve food and in a few months it will still be good to eat and in some cases even better than it was before. The same can be done with spell jars, their work isn’t instantaneous in this form. They often take weeks, even months to improve and get better. Into a jar you would add items and representations of something you want to maintain and improve. Over time, while it is sitting with positive energy and thoughts it amplifies and magnifies within that jar so that when you’re ready you can open it, release that energy and you have even more of what you wanted to preserve in the first place. Both of these techniques are for containment of energy, however you can take it in several different ways. If you want something quick and instantaneous spell jars might not be for you, you might be better off doing something like candle magic or even poppets or bag spells.

Candle magic

Candle magic is very versatile. It can be used for both positive and negative, short term and long term. It could be good if you do enjoy working with candles or the fire element. Candle magic can be done in many ways but one of the most popular methods would be to use the candle as a vessel for energy. You would charge the candle with your energy and then you release that energy by burning it. The other most popular form of working with candles is to use them as a representation of the fire element and to work with that elemental energy. This is really good if you do want to start dabbling into elemental magic. Both forms are incredibly powerful and can be used in so many different ways. You can use a massive candle that would take days and days to burn. You would put pins in the side to represent where you need to start burning then snuff it out every time and then every day you would re-light it again. This technique allows you to burn a candle for weeks even months on end. You can also use really small candles such as tea lights which burn for a couple hours or birthday candles which burn for about ten to fifteen minutes and would do your spells just during the duration of time that the candle burns. The color of the candle matters for symbolic representation and you can also add other symbolic workings such as fruit, herbs and oils. 

Cord or Knot Magic

Cord magic is essentially the idea of knotting your energy into the length of a cord. Cord magic can be as complex or as simple as you like. A simple example would be taking the length of a cord and knots are tied in it, sometimes its 1, 3, 7, 9, 13 depending on your tradition, and as each of these knots is pulled taut you breathe your intention through it and you snap it shut. This traps that intention and that energy inside that knot so it can then be released at a later date. If you need good luck then you would energize this cord with good luck, seal it within the knot and then release one every time you need it. If you wanted something to be incredibly powerful with an entire coven of practitioners, each of you can add your intentions into a singular knot and at the end of that ritual you would burn that knot in an open fire; using fire safety of course. This releases all of that energy all at once and magnifies all of that power because every individual has added their own energy into that spell. This can also be taken the other way. If you want something to be trapped, you seal it within the knots and you don’t release it. Instead, you dispose of it; you might keep it in a dark place and never let it see the light of day ever again or you might allow it to rot in the earth as long as it is completely biodegradable. There are so many ways to use knot energy but this is a good way to contain energy to then release it at a later date. 

Charms, Talismans and Amulets

Talismans, amulets and charms are similar, they are objects carried or worn and tend to represent a certain outcome that the practitioner wants to create or avoid. They can be made for someone else, given to empower them. Talismans are objects specifically charged and consecrated to achieve a particular purpose. They attract something specific for the owner. A ring is commonly used as a talisman. An amulet is an object, traditionally a piece of jewelry, worn to protect against negativity, danger, evil forces and illness. A charm is any kind of object that is used to attract good luck. Usually charm bracelets are worn for this purpose. Charms are traditionally beautiful objects that ‘charm’ the eye. Charms, talismans and amulets are forged by enchanting through spell work and can make great gifts. 

Sex magic 

Sex magic is a way of manifesting your desires. It is said that when you reach climax you enter a powerful state of bliss and the goal of sex magic is to use this energy by focusing your thoughts on what you wish to manifest. This can be as simple as channeling your energy during climax or making a whole ritual out of it. You also do not need a partner to do this form of magic and in can be very enjoyable. If you’re interested in working with deities, depending on the deity and what they like, sex magic can be a great offering to them and thus enhancing your relationship with them.  

Deities and Spirits 

Deities and spirits can be channeled in many ways and for many purposes. These are usually ancestors, the spirit of your higher self, angels, demons, gods or goddesses. Wether you believe they are entirely separate entities from yourself or psychological archetypes created by your mind these are energies that you can channel to achieve a certain outcome. The outcome to achieve is usually creating stronger spells, manifestation, and even improve your overall self development. Deity and spirit work can be as simple as calling on them to help guide you in divination work or as in-depth as creating an altar for one ore more of them and building a full on relationship with them. This type of work can be super beneficial as it can help you work through challenges, trauma, pain and ideally help you become an overall better version of yourself. If you’re curious to know more about this type of work you can check out the post about working with dark goddesses

Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming & Trance Meditation

Astral projection, lucid dreaming and trance meditation are a way of experiencing the spirit world and possibly meeting guides or other practitioners while you’re in that form. Astral projection and trance meditation are similar. It is when you are sending your spiritual body out into the astral/spirit world. In this way you can speak to spirits, ancestors, deities, or your higher self. Lucid dreaming is when you are in a conscious state while in your own dreams. Dreams are said to be a map to navigate the waking life and the information that we receive in dreams can be anywhere from direct to extremely coded in imagery which is the language of dreams. Lucid dreaming can help you uncover things to help you resolve issues and find clarity when navigating your life. 

The Main Takeaway 

There are many more forms of witchcraft other than the ones mentioned here. There are many types of spells with many types of goals. The main thing to understand is that energy is in everyone and everything. Energy can be channeled in many ways and used in many ways. Energy is the key to witchcraft, understanding this and practicing to channel it will help you master your craft.


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